Things About Women that Men Should Know
I've come across a lot of guys who say women are difficult to please and I keep telling them that women are the easiest of Gods creation to handle. All we need is a little love lol.
Now if you're just reaching the age of maturity or have been around for a lifetime and you are a man, then there are some things you better know about the opposite sex. Some are important, some not so; regardless, it's the knowing that counts. Below are twenty things every man should know about women.
1 - Women are stronger than you are. Emotionally that is. Yeah, they may cry easier than men, but just watch what happens as time rolls on. No matter what, they're still there, standing strong, long after the men have left the building.
2 - We want to know about your ex-girlfriends, but only to confirm that we are better.
3 - They notice your wrist watch, shoes, hands and nails. It's just something women do. They notice your wristwatch and size you up with that. Your shoes tell us a lot about you, your hands; are they big, or strong, or rough. They notice your nails too, and make judgments about you based on that.
4 - They don't always smell good. It's true. No matter how sweet and feminine, there are times when a woman can make a man want to hold his nose and run. Heheheh.... I need to know more about this ooo...
5 - They remember everything. If it's useful, hurtful or a great memory, they'll remember it. Always and forever.
6 - They like neck and ear stuff more than you think. They like to be nuzzled for a long time. In fact, they are never done with that before you are.
7 - They don't like to wait for a phone call. If you say you'll call, they want it to happen yesterday. Forget that three day business. Waiting for a call makes them crazy. Take note guys... Don't keep a princess waiting lol.
8 - They really don't like razor burn. Though you may think you look sexy with a day's beard growth, don't expect your girl to want to make out with you. It cuts and hurts.
9 - Telling us to “relax” DOES NOT work. It has the opposite effect and you know this.
10 - They embrace compliments completely. Women love to be complimented and aren't ashamed to show it. They love especially to hear nice things about those things they are most self-conscience about.
11 - They feel flattered when hit on, no matter how yucky you are. It's true, even if they blow you off and act like you're not worthy.
12 - If you’ve cheated in the past, she is going to be wary of you forever. You should probably keep this information to yourself.
13 - They expect you to hate the same things and people as they do. It's called loyalty.
14 - They know stuff about you they won't ever tell you about. It's true. It might even be stuff you don't know about yourself.
15 - If they love you, there is no changing their mind. No matter what idiotic thing you do, there is nothing you can do to change her heart. Though, you ought to keep in mind, this does not mean she won't leave you anyway.
16 - Their relationship with shoes is none of your business. So there is no reason to mention it, right?
17 - They will forgive you if you really mean it. If you're truly sorry about something you did, and say so, given time, they will forgive you; though they will never forget about it.
18 - They will always be jealous and intimidated by other women. They just can't help it. This will include your exes, your mother, your sisters, your colleagues and maybe even your daughters.
19 - They will melt if you are humble. Nothing makes a woman turn to mush faster than a man that is willing to admit it when he is wrong.
20 - They will do practically anything for you if you truly love them. It's true, women are asked to do some incredibly odd things by men, and they do them, for no better reason then because they feel loved.
This list of twenty things every man should know about women, is certainly not all inclusive. There are literally millions of things that men could and probably should learn about women, but probably never will. This list is simply an abstract, a compilation of things that many men already know and are now put down here for the benefit of those who do not.
Thanks 4 reminding me of no 12. Cheating husbands shld take note.