
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

What Do Your Clothes Say About You.......

These Are Pictures Of Two Beautiful Women But They Will Be Addressed In Two Different Ways 

Fashion is, whether we ourselves think so or not, a big part of our lives. Why? It’s because even if you’re not at all fashion conscious, not in the slightest, your choice of dress will influence people’s perception of you. Your dress influences the picture that the outside world will form of you.

He is razz, She is not my type. He doesn't have a good dress sense, She looks like a decent girl, He looks rich, I can tell she is a reserved girl, I'm sure she's a prostitute, He dresses like a tout... We make snap judgments about people from the clothes they wear. May be true, may be false. 

I'm sure we all have heard the saying that "we should dress the way the want to be addressed". Even though so many people don't care about this statement but there is truly much more to our clothing choices than we might imagine. For many people, what they wear is merely a matter of habit, mood or just even what's in vogue not minding their age, body or the occasion it's made for but when we dress it might pay us to be a little more considerate, modest and careful in the choices we make. Doing something different with your clothes might be a way of changing the impression others have of you.

Our dressing influences all kinds of impressions about us. Our clothes make a huge difference to what people think about us and without us knowing or in ways we couldn’t even imagine. People make their assessments in the first few seconds of seeing another person; assessments that go way beyond how well you are dressed and how neat and tidy you might look.

Funny enough this was the topic in our Sunday school teaching last Sunday. Although our teacher said a lot of things I didn't agree, I still believe in moderation when it comes to what we wear. He said a lot of women dress with the wrong motive and mostly in order to attract men but one of my sisters in church raised a very important issue. This sister of mine is very gifted when it comes to curves. She told us of an experience she had sometime ago where she wore a free flowing gown that did not reveal her curves and there was this one crazy brother who could see what was inside the clothes and shocked her by acknowledging the fact that she was richly endowed with mad curves lol. She finally said that even if you wear a box, men would always be men. That brings me to the question, does our dressing really tell you who we are?

​Our clothes say a great deal about who we are and can signal a great deal of socially important things to others, even if the impression is actually unfounded. So even subtle changes to clothing style can contribute toward negative impressions of the competence of women who hold higher status positions. Wearer beware!

It is important to choose our dress style carefully because people will make all sorts of impressions, assumptions and decisions about us without proper evidence. We are unlikely to know what these assessments are too, so it is quite possible that our clothes reveal more than we thought.

Sartorial laziness is an easy habit to slip into. We may think that fashion is just profligate indulgence and our sunny personality will eclipse our dull attire or detract from the soup stains on our cloths. Untrue. What we wear speaks volumes in just a few seconds. Dressing decently to impress really is worthwhile and could even be the key to success in many areas of our lives.

For the ladies in the corporate world there’s one style that makes a person look decent and successful. The black skirt or trouser suit, The fitted blouse, The stiletto. This is classic and with classics, history has done the work for you. It has lasted throughout time, so you already know it works. And what is it that makes a classic a classic? “It has multiple functions, and it’s appropriate for different age ranges and body types. It became a classic because it works no matter who you are and what occasion it is, it's always comfortable and classy. Weddings, office, church, red carpet events, you name it. The classics always stand out.

On the other hand, there’s no one piece or style that makes a person look unsuccessful. Anything where it looks like you didn’t take the time or make the effort comes across badly. The worst clothing is the kind that tries to undo, ignore or hide where or who you are, or the kind that shows you didn’t pay attention to your gender, body, age, situation or occasion. Any clothes that prohibit you from doing your job well send the wrong message.

You know that expression: Don’t judge a book by its cover? Well the meaning behind that expression, my friends, is perfect. We shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Books are not even about their covers, books are about the pages inside their covers. Nevertheless, we certainly DO judge books by their covers. It’s how we operate. It’s how society functions. And your clothes, my friends, are your own personal book covers. So make sure your book cover appears nicely packaged so that when we begin to judge your book we will not a only judge but want to read that book over and over again. God bless you richly. Amen.


  1. Na wa o! D 1st one na rag na. Mtchewww

  2. They say don't judge a book by it's cover but these girls of nowadays dt I refer 2 as "end time girls" gives us every reason 2 do so. Look around and all u'd see R girls dressed like prostitutes! Damn! Can't handle mehn!!
    Saw one going 2 church last week completely unclad and had 2 ask her if dy have a pastor in dr church! Like seriously!

    *lips sealed and watching*

  3. Brownsugar darling, I sincerely want to join you in the mtchewwwing but again I feel sorry for those who dress like her. That is what the men of today like seeing but what these ladies don't understand is that no man will gladly walk her down the aisle when he knows that many other men will want to have a taste of the sumptuous body she is revealing....

  4. EESAH love, God will help us ooo... You need to see the way I fight with my teenage kids and that's because they want to wear what's in vogue as against what makes them look decent, and guess what, to the glory of God, I always win lol. Most times there is nobody to caution these girls so they don't know what they are wearing is not good. May God help us at all times. Amen.
