Don’t just clean your body, clean out your mind as well!
It is a well known fact that people often embark on a detoxification programme to cleanse their body of all sorts of impurities that have been accumulating over the months. I am always amazed by those who go to such lengths to diet fast with only juice and in the process they eliminate certain foods and drinks and stick to strict regimes to improve their physical health.
I admire those who have the discipline to achieve such things but haven’t the juice suckers forgotten something???
What about the body and mind link? I'm sure they are aware that the mind and body work together. Therefore, if our bodies deserve that sense of lightness and purification, our minds sure do too. Think of the extra energy to be gained from eliminating those negative feelings of inadequacy, anger, pain, resentment and insecurity, which stress us out and drain our resources!
The question is to what lengths will we go in our attempts to detoxify and find that greater sense of wholeness? I'm 100% sure that you cannot feel lighter if after your diet fasting and detox, you are suppressing anger, grief or fear etc. What is overlooked is how the psyche or mind can become polluted with toxic thoughts. Certain emotions which have been suppressed can be exhausting, for example anger. This typically can be seen in people who are depressed. Usually, their anger is turned in on themselves leaving them exhausted and lacking any zest for life.
So each time we are spring cleaning our bodies or homes, we also need to think about spring cleaning our minds or psyches. If we do not do this then unresolved emotions could start to manifest as illness.
We need to face up to those emotions that might be getting in the way of living a more fulfilled life. So what stops us?
Many of us suppress emotions and fears and we use a great deal of energy to do so. One of the most common toxic beliefs underlying all others is “I am not good enough”, "I am ugly" etc. This can be too painful to think about or feel so we go out of our way to avoid thinking the thought and feeling the feeling.
For instance if we feel we are not good enough because we have been told that we are inadequate, lazy, ugly or stupid, then we will do our best to compensate. But however much we try harder to achieve more, overwork, diet, beautify, resort to plastic surgery and act selflessly or however successful we become, we still feel, deep down inside, that we are not good enough.
We may try to numb our feelings of inadequacy with food, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, sweets, sex or workaholism or by isolating ourselves. We may even blame and punish others as a way of avoiding the pain of our perceived inadequacy. But the problem does not go away. This problem is a lack of self love, approval and acceptance for the core self. People often know this deep down but simply do not know how to love themselves.
Healing starts with finding the unconditional self
We heal by getting in touch with, confronting and letting go of the toxic belief that we are imperfect and the emotional pain it causes. We need to learn how to appreciate, accept and value who we are, just as we would a newborn baby, a beautiful flower, or a sunset because each is perfect as it is. We do not need to achieve anything to be lovable. Through self-acceptance at such a fundamental level, life stops being distorted by the constant effort to make up for deficiencies.
The ultimate purpose of an Emotional Cleansing is to free us of the belief and emotions surrounding not being good enough and help us learn how to unconditionally love who we are instead of the person we are trying to become.
Out of unconditional love and acceptance of the self, our actions, life choices, goals, achievements and successes will grow. The result is an entirely different feeling or energy that naturally attracts love from others. Invariably, confidence to explore new directions or goals and greater creativity emerge. They come from our authenticity instead of an attempt to make up for any perceived shortcomings. Individuals begin to be able to accept compliments without feeling unworthy or fraudulent. They feel more real.
As a result of living a life built on unconditional self love we attract (and are attracted to) healthier relationships and more favorable circumstances in our professional and personal lives. This is because wholeness attracts wholeness whereas fear, especially hidden fear of our inadequacy, attracts fearful abusive, controlling people and inharmonious situations time and time again.
When we value and approve of ourselves we expect to be treated well and stop accepting or putting up with mistreatment from others. We are empowered to confront or move away from unpleasantness and antagonistic people simply stop treating us badly because our energy and dynamics has changed.
For emotional cleansing to be achieved people should try to release suppressed emotions like fear, hurt, anger, guilt, worthlessness, inadequacy. When we face up and be true to ourselves we free up much repressed energy which can be used to allow more energy and creativity in our lives. The result is a feeling of lightness and renewed energy.
So perhaps next time you want to detox your body, make it a point of duty to detox and free your mind too.... One Love.
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